Start Time
End Time


2024 MSE Dates are TENTATIVE

August 8 - August 19 , 2024 - (Includes travel days)

Important Links

There is a tide in the affairs of men
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
― William Shakespeare , Julius Caesar


The MSE Juvenile Salmon
Studies program centers on middle and senior high school students spending several days rafting down the Salmon and Aniak rivers in the company of several adults who engage students in a variety of math, science, and leadership activities. In recent years science and math activities have focused on conducting standardized surveys of the juvenile fish community at each campsite with the objective of assessing whether changes occur in the species composition as students progressed from subalpine headwaters where the narrow steep sided channel cuts through bedrock, to the main stream Aniak River with a broad flood plain of braided channels lined with tall spruce and poplar trees and abundant in-channel large woody debris. At the end of the float trip each student leaves with a data set that includes speciated catches from replicate samples at each camp site coupled with paired fish length and weight measurements. Adult mentors follow-up to encourage students to use their data set in developing science fair projects. The MSE is being presented here as a model that could be adapted at other schools to use citizen science asa means to increase research and monitoring capacity. Students can earn 0.5 credits in"Introduction to Fish Biology."


August 8 - August 20, 2024 (TENTATIVE)


Instruction and assessment

  • Science (Fisheries Science / Botany / Safety /Wilderness First Aid)
  • Math (Measurement /Rates / Statistics /Graphing)
  • Writing (Journaling / Reflection)
  • Personal / Social / Service Learning -Leadership, team building, peer mediation, personal & team goal setting, independent living skills)
  • Career & Technical Education - EmployabilitySkills, Teamwork Skills
  • Credits - 0.5 credits in "Introduction to FishBiology" or 0.5 credits in "Work Ethic & TeamBuilding" or 0.5 "Advanced OutdoorLeadership"


35 students / 12 facilitators

Staff Support

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